Tuesday, June 20, 2017



CONFESSION: Isaiah 43:18-19.

SONGS: 1. Be lifted high 2. Do something new in my life 3. My lifetime, Lord I give you my lifetime.

1. Umbrella of the Almighty, cover my life and my family, in the name of Jesus.
2. O God of perfection, perfect everything that concerns my life, in Jesus name.
3.  O Lord, arise and give me breakthroughs that will swallow all my past failures.
4. O God, arise and let my star shine, in the name of Jesus.
5. If you know that someone issued a curse upon your life, pray the prayer below:

Every curse controlling my life, break and release me, in the name of Jesus.

v  It is when God begins a new thing in your life.
v  It is the dawn of a new day.
v  It is a new season.
v  It is when God gives you a brand new start in life or in an area of your life.
v  It is a new day and a new dawn.
v  It is a time of new testimonies.
v  It is a season of breakthroughs.
v  It is when God gives you a new name.
v  It is when the pain and disappointments of the past give way to a bright future.
v  It is when the garment of frustration is replaced with a garment of hope.
v  It is when the long night of weeping gives way to joy in the morning. Psalm 30:5.

I prophesy over your life that the season of weeping and loneliness is over in the name of Jesus.
Say: “It is over, it is over, it is over, in the mighty name of Jesus.  

v  It is when God steps into your boat like he did with people and humanly impossible things become possible.  Luke 5:1-11.
v  It is when God opens fresh and new doors for you
v  It is when God opens the heavens over your life.
v  It is when darkness gives way to light.
v  It is when mockery, ridicule, and reproach turn to celebration.
v  It is a place of headship and not the tail region.
v  It is when God visits a person.
v  It is where burdens are lifted.

v  It is a divine relocation to the place of blessing.

1    1.   Ruth
Her love and devotion to her mother in law, Naomi and Her God, opened the door for her for marriage to a kinsman redeemer who took away all the reproach and loneliness of early widowhood and wrote her name in history.  She appears in both the Old and New Testament books of the Bible.  Ruth 4:10-13, Matthew 1:5.
2.   Rebecca
Her boldness, kindness to a stranger, and sense of adventure led her to a whole new life in a foreign land with a new husband.  Genesis 24:1-67.
3.   Rahab
Rahab was a harlot who keyed into what God was doing with the Israelites and helped them when they came to spy out her city Jericho.  She was the only one with her family that survived in the city.  Her life was totally transformed and she ended up marrying one of the children of God. Joshua 6:25,
4.   The Shunammite Woman
She has everything that money and influence could buy but had no child.  Her kindness caught the attention of the man of God. He prophesied a son into her life and turned her story around. 2 Kings 4:12-17
5.   Hannah
Hannah suffered at the hand of household wickedness powers because she was barren.  She cried to God and make a covenant vow with God which changed the story of her family forever as her son that resulted from that covenant became one of the greatest prophets that Israel ever had. This vow also led to the birth of five other children. 1 Samuel 2:21.

There are certain hindrances to getting married when God wants to give you a new beginning in your marital life.
1.    To have a new beginning and for it to endure, you have to deal with satanic programming and programmers.  These are powers hat program failure and constant disappointment into a person’s marital destiny. They program divorce and multiple spouses into your life.  They program into your reproductive organs to prevent it from functioning properly or even having children.  They steal your breast by biting it at night and through that transmitting cancer to you.

1.     Every power ordained to spoil my life, so that my spouse cannot enjoy me, die now.
2.     Every evil imagination, thought, plan, decision, desire, expectation and programming of divorcee and separation against my future marriage and home, be cancelled by the blood of Jesus.  

2.    You have to deal with powers from your foundation that want to:
a.     Ensure you do not marry
b.     Delay your marriage
c.     Manipulate you into a wrong marriage in order to divert and waste your destiny.
These powers include ancestral powers and witchcraft powers.  They use evil patterns, collective captivity, and problems from childhood to derail marital destinies. These are termites and parasites hiding in your foundation that will have to be located and consumed by the fire of God. 

1.     Every power trying to redraw my marital map, be put to shame.
2.     I withdraw my God ordained marriage from the hand of evil designers.

3.     You should deal with any evil thing done to prevent you from getting married.  Examples are enchantment, divination, and charms.  This is regardless of whether the person who did it is dead or alive.  You should prayerfully exhume everything buried in the ground, in the trees, and in the waters.  You should also deal with altars in the heavenlies that are delaying your marriage.

1.    Everything buried in the ground harm me, be exhumed, return back to your senders and destroy them.
2.    Let all incantations, divinations, incisions, hexes, jinxes, charms, voodoo, and other spiritually harmful activities working against my marriage be completely neutralized by the blood of Jesus.

4.    To make progress in the area of marriage, you have to confront and deal with that wicked strongman that has taken a decision that you will never marry. Say:

Every strongman of marital destruction, summersault and die in the name of                Jesus.

5.    You also have to deal with any satanic gang up against your marriage.  They have decreed that over their dead body will you marry. 

Prayer: I spoil and destabilize every satanic plan and gang up against my                                    marital life, in the name of Jesus.

6.    That evil spiritual marriage that is making you unavailable for the God ordained physical marriage and keeping suitors at bay must be properly renounced and totally destroyed. You should ask the blood of Jesus to avail for you here.

a.     Blood of Jesus pay back every evil dowry collected on my behalf by any power, spirit or personality.
b.     Blood of Jesus, redeem me from every evil marriage.

7.    Every evil dedication and other covenants making marriage to be a mirage in your life should be broken and replaced with rededication to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  An evil dedication is dedication to any power apart from the God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  Examples are dedication to ancestral powers and their attendant idols, and dedications to marine powers. 
8.    There is also marriage that is put in place through membership of evil associations.  You have to renounce and break these. 
9.    Anti-marriage strongholds have to be pulled down.  Long time bondages have to be broken.  to demonic powers You also have to deal with any satanic gang up against your marriage.
10. Last but not the least, before you can have a new beginning you have to deal with your past. You have to deal with:
a.    Evil hands from the past that keep pulling you back each time you take a step forward.
b.    Evil eyes from the past that still have you on their powerful satanic radar monitoring and carrying out evil surveillance over your life to ensure that you never marry even though they have since married and moved on.
c.    Hearts left behind in the past and not available for the new relationships and new beginnings that God has released from heaven already. Why?  This is because are still unforgiving, bitter, refusing to let go of someone who has since moved on with his or her own life. That is tantamount to marital destiny suicide. God has so much in store for you. Please make up your mind today, not tomorrow, to let go and let God.  Spend time to meditate on the following scriptures.  Romans 8:28, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Ecclesiastes 3:11.
d.    Evil ropes tying you to such relationships have to be cut and roasted.
e.    Evil yokes yoking with these bad relationships and the past have to be broken.
f.     Evil loads carried over from the past relationships have to be returned back to sender such as the spirit of the dog which is the spirit of lust and perversion.
g.    Evil soul ties have to be broken.   These are evil covenants formed with previous partners particularly if sex or blood covenants were involved in the relationship. So that dog he keeps sending to bite you in the dream need to be beheaded and carefully packaged back to him.

1        1.    Know the God of new beginnings.  He is the one that makes new beginnings                         possible.
2.    Total submission to God. James 4:7.
3.    Resist the devil. James 4:7.
4.    Be obedient 2 Corinthians 10:6.
5.    Fear God. Psalm 25:14.
6.    Act like your Father would. Acts 19:15, John 5:18.
7.    Wage war and overcome the enemy and get your new beginning. You are expected to wage the good fight of faith. 2 Timothy 4:7.
8.    Abide in Christ. It is in abiding in Him that you can have what you want. John 15:4-7.
9.    Guard your mind.  As a man thinks so is he.
10. Testify of God’s goodness
11. Guard your heart. Proverbs 4:23. 
12. Use your spiritual weapons such as prayer
13. Kill the flesh.
14. Be patient

Song: 1. Holy Ghost I need a change by fire.  2. The God that answereth by fire, let him be my God.
1. O Lord give me power to overcome all obstacles to my breakthroughs.
2. O Lord give me divine prescription to my problems.
3. I break all curses of leaking blessings.
4. Let all spiritual holes in my life be closed with the Blood of Jesus.
5. Lord, help me to locate the defect in the clay of my life.
6. Let every imprisoned and buried potential begin to come forth now.
7. Let every negative transaction currently affecting my life negatively be cancelled.
8. I command all the dark works done against my life in the secret to be exposed and nullified.
9. O Lord, if my life is on the wrong course, correct me in the name of Jesus.
10. Let every anti progress altar fashioned against me be destroyed with the thunder fire of God.
11. I command my destiny to change to the best in the name of Jesus

12. Power to be at the right place at the right time in the name of Jesus fall on me.

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PRAYERS FOR MARITAL BREAKTHROUGH Praise worship Confessions – Genesis 2:10-19, Deut 32:30, Prov. 31:10-11, Eccles. 4:9-12...