Tuesday, June 20, 2017



SCRIPTURES: 1 Samuel Chapters 1 and 2, Daniel 10:11-14.
CONFESSION:  Psalm 27:14.
SONGS: 1. There is none holy as the Lord 2. Yahweh, Your name is Yahweh. You are the miracle working God. 3. Do something new in my life.

HYMN: My hope is built on nothing less.

1. I God arise and connect me to my divine helpers.
2. Every arrow of slow and sluggish progress, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
3. Blood of Jesus nullify the effect of every evil rain, in the name of Jesus.
4. Every satanic animal programmed into my life and destiny to slow down my progress, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.
5. Lord Jesus arise and beautify my life, in the name of Jesus.
6. Holy Ghost fire, convert my delay to speed, by fire.
7. I reject shame, I claim glory, in the name of Jesus.
8. Curses of leaking blessings break and release me.
9. Every power assigned to turn my glory to rags, fail and die.
10. Every embargo delaying my marriage, break and die.

Satanic delay of blessings means that you have to wait unnecessarily to experience the good things that God has for you in life.  Satanic delay can occur in a specific area of a person’s life or affect it can affect a person’s life as a whole.
There are several examples in the Bible of people that had satanic delay of their blessings.  Hannah the mother of the Prophet Samuel was a victim as a result of polygamous witchcraft.   1 Samuel 1:2-11.  Daniel was another.   Daniel 10:11-14.
Satanic delay is a strategy used by the enemy to delay or prevent a person from fulfilling their destiny.  It is used to steal, kill, and destroy good things.
This topic is very important because there is a time and a season for every things that God has ordained in a person’s life.  Ecclesiastes 3:1. When you miss your opportunities and seasons, it is more difficult to obtain your blessings.  This is because you give the enemy time to reinforce and the battle gets more difficult.  If care is not taken, you may never reach your destination at all.  For example a woman that God ordained to have six children who gets married at the age of fifty will have a hard time fulfilling that mandate.  Once the Israelites missed their divine timing, they never came out of the wilderness but died and were wasted there.  They never entered the Land of Promise, the land of blessings that God had planned for them. Say:

Every power that wants me to die unfulfilled, die and remain dead in the name of Jesus.
Say again:
Every power that wants me to die in this condition, die by thunder, in the name of Jesus.

Satanic delay of blessings is:
v  Lateness in goodness.
v  Having to wait unnecessarily to experience the good things that God has for you in life. 
v  Postponement of your goodness, joy, and fulfillment.
v  Delay of the manifestation and fulfillment of God’s plans and purposes for your life.
v  Slowing down of a person’s life.
v  It is when the enemy is saying no to God’s yes for a person’s life. For example household wickedness powers have vowed that you will never marry or know the joy of motherhood.
v  It is when the enemy is forcefully keeping closed a door that God wants opened in your life.  For example, Israel remained in captivity in Egypt for 430 years instead of the 400 years that God had said. They remained in Babylonian captivity beyond the 70 years that God had said also.  Daniel 9:2.
v  A satanic mechanism that puts a person’s life behind God’s schedule.
v  It is to have your life cruising on a satanic timetable and calendar.
v  When satanic powers hold on the manifestation of your God answered prayers.  The prince of Persia did this to Daniel’s answered prayers.  Daniel 10:11-14.
v  It is when the enemy has wasted your productive years.

Prayer: You my wasted years in my marriage, career, and ministry be restored by fire in the name of Jesus.

v  It is when the enemy turns a journey that should take two weeks into forty years. 

Prayer: Wind of the Holy Ghost carry me to my divine destination by fire in the name of Jesus.

     There are certain powers that can specialize in delaying people’s blessings. These powers include:

1. Foundational Powers 
They employ various weapons to delay people’s blessings including automatic failure mechanism, evil flow, evil umbrellas, evil transfers and transmissions, evil covenants, and unbroken curses.  
Prayer: Foundational powers delaying my goodness, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
2. Household wickedness powers 
These includes polygamous powers.  A good example is that of Hannah that was mentioned above.  1 Samuel 1: 3-14.  They also include demonic step mothers, domestic servants, siblings, mothers, and mothers’ in law.  They use various weapons such as enchantment; placenta manipulation; manipulation of pictures, menstrual pads, clothing and other personal effects; and satanic exchange of virtues and blessings to steal from people. 

1. Household wickedness powers holding on to my blessings, release them and die, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every satanic exchange of my virtues and goodness be reversed by the blood of Jesus.
 3. Ancestral Powers 
These powers keep generational limitations in place.  Generational strongmen, including spirit spouses, enforce evil covenants, curses, and other ancestral bondages.  They steal, kill, and destroy good things in a person’s life and destiny.

1. Ancestral register bearing my name catch fire.
2. Ancestral mirrors monitoring my life, shatter to pieces.
3. Ancestral spirit spouse delaying my marriage, die now. 

4. Witchcraft Powers 
These powers hold meetings and take evil decision against a person’s progress.   They also make evil judgments and put sanctions in place.  They employ various witchcraft weapons to delay the blessings of their victims.  These weapons include evil chains that are used to tie up people or various areas of their lives such as marriage.   Evil summons are used to summon people to satanic meetings where judgments such as insanity are issued on them.  They include witchcraft horns which are used to scatter blessings and your handiwork.  Zechariah 1:19.  Evil brooms are used to sweep away blessings.  They drink people’s blood and eat up their flesh making them sick sometimes even unto death.  They monitor people and abort good things that are supposed to manifest in such lives. They put evil marks, incisions, and labels on people making them a no go area for intending suitors. They fire arrows into people’s lives which foster satanic delay of goodness, stagnancy, sluggishness, shame, rejection, and other problems. 

    1.   Blood of Jesus overturn every evil edict and ordination controlling my life.
    2.   Every power monitoring my life and marriage go blind by fire.
    3.   Blood of Jesus wash away evil marks, labels, and seals from my life.

5. Collective Captivity 
These powers are behind evil patterns in a family such as delayed marriage, no marriage, and marital instability.   
6. Occult people
These includes psychics and magicians who use strange mirrors and burn incense and candles to monitor people and turn lives upside down.  They also engage in astral projections and molest victims sexually in their sleep.
7. Unfriendly friends 
They make you think that they are on your side but they are the ones feeding the enemy information to deal with you. They also deliberately give you bad counsel to destroy promising relationships.  They also give polluted gifts that bring problems with them and steal from you.
8. Dream Criminals
These powers if not checked can do a lot of havoc in a person’s life. Evil plantations, deposits, arrows, evil loads, and other undesirable things are introduced into people’s lives by dream criminals in their dreams.  These lead to blessings being delayed or aborted.  
9. Evil Environments 
These are evil bus stops.  They include demonized houses that steal, kill, and destroy good things in the lives of its inhabitants.  They include demonic houses, demonic neighborhoods, demonic landlords, and demonic neighbors.  The best option is to move out because as long as you remain there good things will be either delayed or never manifest at all. Declare with a loud voice:

     1.   Lord, stretch forth your hand from heaven and remove me from every evil bus stop.
     2.    Every organized warfare at the edge of my breakthroughs scatter by fire in the name of Jesus.
     3.    Every evil covenant delaying my God ordained marriage break by fire.
     4.    I reject and renounce every evil dowry and I return you back to sender.

You will observe the following if blessings are being satanically delayed in your life. 
1. People refuse to help you even when it is within their power to do so. 
2. Good doors close on your face when it gets to your turn.  This can happen to you both in the physical and in your dreams also.
3. You experience is lack of favor and bad luck instead of favor and good will.
4. You see good things and breakthroughs in your dreams, but in the physical there is dryness and famine of good things and breakthroughs.
5. You have prayed and God has heard your petition and answered but yet no manifestation.
6. You are old enough to marry and you are in good standing with God. You have also prayed and gone for deliverance several times and yet no spouse and no marriage has manifested. This is even more so if there is a pattern of marital delay in your family.
7. You are seeing slow moving animals and stagnant water in your dreams.
8. You are facing rejection and hatred everywhere that you go.
9. You are experiencing failure and blockages where others are not. Your contemporaries are promoted and you are left behind.    
10. Bad luck seems to be trailing you everywhere. 

1. Get saved and make God your friend.
2. Repent of all known sins including your personal sins and those of your ancestors.
3. Pray inquiring prayers to determine the source of the problem.
4. Pray targeted prayers accompanied with fasting to address issues such as unbroken covenants and curses; evil arrows; and witchcraft.
8. Go for deliverance.  Ensure that you go to a Holy Ghost centered church where there is no pollution to do your deliverance.

Song: 1. By the reason of the anointing every yoke shall be broken. 2. Holy Ghost, I need a change by fire. 3. Stubborn problems in my life, die by fire.
1. Every yoke of slow progress affecting my marital destiny, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every hidden evil load working against my marriage, melt away by fire.
3. My delayed marital blessings, jump out of captivity and locate me by fire.
4. I pull down every stronghold of satanic delay militating against my marriage with the hands of fire, in the name of Jesus.
5. Arrow of disappointment targeting my marital destiny, backfire back to your senders.
6. Yoke of ancestral loneness, break by fire.
7. Powers assigned to divert or steal my marital blessings, fall down and die.
8. Yoke of satanic delay, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
9. Owners of evil load of demotion and backwardness carry your load, in the name of Jesus.
10. Powers assigned to delay my marital joy and fulfillment, die by fire.
11. Every battle programmed into my marital life and destiny by household wickedness powers scatter by fire.
12. O Lord, anoint me with the oil of favor above my fellows.
13. Evil hands delaying my marital blessings and success, be cut off in Jesus name.
14. Chains of stagnation break and release me, in the name of Jesus.
15. Every power assigned to take me backwards in my journey of life, die now.
16. Every power reversing my marital vehicle backwards, sleep and wake up no more. 
17. I am the first, any power, spirit or personality assigned to take me from the front to the back, you are a liar, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus. 
18. Invisible ink marking me for failure and stagnation, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
19. Curses and covenants promoting satanic delay of blessings in my life, break by fire.
20. Every gang up against my getting married, scatter unto desolation in the name of Jesus. 21. Every picture enchantment in my life, die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
22. Everything programmed into my life to disgrace me on my day of glory, come out and die, in the name of Jesus.
23. Blood of Jesus cancel and overturn satanic judgements and decisions taken against me.
24. Arrows assigned to delay my manifestation, gather yourself together and backfire.
25. Every enemy of my progress disguising as a friend, be exposed and be disgraced.
26. Every spiritual authority saying no to God’s goodness for my life, die by thunder.
27. I refuse to be a seer that sees and it does not manifest physically, in the name of Jesus.
28. Every power programming lateness into my goodness in life, die in the name of Jesus.
29.  Thank you Lord for delivering me. 

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