Sunday, March 11, 2018



CONFESSION: Isaiah 60:1-2, Psalm 57:8.

SONGS: 1. Onise Iyanu (The God of awesome wonders) 2. I have no other God but you 3. You are the pillar that holds my life. 4. When Jesus says yes, no power can say no.

HYMN: Through the love of Christ my Savior. 2. On Christ the solid Rock I stand. 3. Arise, Awake and sing to the Lord.
1. I cancel every evil decree of militating against my marriage, in the name of Jesus.
2. Let every satanic decision, verdict, or judgment taken against me, be rendered null and void now, in Jesus name.
3.  Every power, spirit, or personality praying satanic prayers against me, let those prayers end up upon his or her own head.
4. O God, arise and let my star shine, in the name of Jesus.
5. O Lord, stretch forth your hand from heaven and lift every embargo upon my marital life and destiny, in the name of Jesus.

You glory is that star quality that God has deposited in you to cause you to shine in life. There are different types of shining, meaning some shine brighter than others. 1 Corinthians 15:39-41. For example, you cannot compare the glorious life Joseph with that of his brothers who had to come beg him for food.  Our Lord Jesus is known as the Bright and Morning Star. Revelations 22:16. We likewise are to follow in His footsteps and shine from glory to glory in marriage and in all other areas of our lives. 2 Corinthians 3:18. There are certain factors that can make a person’s glory not to shine.  We will examine those but before we do that we will now what glory is in practical terms. 
Prayer: My marital glory, awake, catch up, and overtake your contemporaries in the name of Jesus.

v  It is what God has put in you to make you a star.
v  It is the virtues, goodness, and potentials that God put in you when He created you.
v  It is what will make you to shine in life.
v  It is that star quality in you.
v  It is what equips and enables you to be able to carry out the assignment that God sent you to the world to carry out.
v  It is what attracts helpers of destiny to you.
o   Your destiny helpers are people that God has positioned to help you in life so you can be able to carry out your purpose.

1.    It means that you are operating below heaven’s expectation for you in that area.
2.    It means that ancestral rats and devourers have eaten up your colorful marital garment.
3.    It means an evil wind has blown away your head gear.  As a woman, your head gear represents your husband who is your spiritual cover and your glory.
4.    It means the wicked family serpent, that ancient strongman has swallowed up your marital virtues and goodness.
5.    It means you have lost a lot of ground and time in the area of marriage. 
6.    It means the enemy has manipulated and wasted your marital productive years. Therefore, at the age of 45 when your mates have children in college, you are just getting married.
7.    It means that while other people’s marital destinies are moving forward, yours is sleeping and needs to be awakened.   

1.    Any power, personality or spirit, manipulating or stealing my marital distance, return it and die, in the name of Jesus.
2.   I will no longer labor in vain in this area of marriage, in the name of Jesus.
3.   All my efforts in the area of marriage shall be rewarded in the name of Jesus.

I prophesy over your life that in this area of marriage, you will not labor and another reap.  You will no longer build and another inhabit, in the name of Jesus. From now you will eat the fruit of your labor in the name of Jesus. Your labor over your marriage shall be rewarded in the name of Jesus.

Certain dreams indicate that your glory has problems and is not shining as God had ordained it to be.  We will now take a look at some of these dreams.
1. Dreams of having to go to the saloon your hair to have your hair fixed.
2. Dreams of hair being scattered or unkempt.
3. Dreams of your hair being dirty or needing to be washed, fixed or styled.
4. Dreams of your hair being cut.
6. Dreams of you being given a bad haircut.
7. Dreams of a person, known or unknown cutting off your hair or taking a piece of your hair physically or in the dream.
8. Dreams of your hair being short instead of being long in length.
9. Dreams of your hair being infected by roaches or other insects.

There are certain hindrances to your marital glory arising and shining.  We will now discuss these below.

      1.   Unfriendly Friends
These are the kind of friends that give you bad advice just to ensure that you do not outshine them in any area of life including marriage.

1.   Let all fake friends make mistakes that would expose and disgrace them.
2.   Every unfriendly friend that wants to use my glory to promote themselves summersault, in the name of Jesus.

3.   You my transferred virtues, potentials, and glory, rush back to me now, in the name of Jesus.  

2.    Evil Family Patterns
Your marital glory will not shine if it is following the evil pattern of your parents and ancestors. For example, if all the women in your family remain in their father’s house you are likely to end up the same way unless you take the proper steps.   

     1.   Every evil flow from my ancestry preventing me from shining maritally, be cut off by fire, in the name of Jesus.
2.   Let the collective captivity of my father’s house hindering my marriage and destiny scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.

3.    Evil Pursuers
They have vowed that they will follow you from cradle to the grave and that you will never settle down on marriage. Or even have peace in your life.

Prayer: Every man or woman that has vowed that over their dead body will I settle down in marriage, hear the word of the Lord.  It is now time for me to get married therefore summersault and die, in the name of Jesus.

4.    Spiritual Thieves
These are powers that empty out your marital virtues and goodness.

1.   By the power in the blood of Jesus my marriage is not for sale in the name of Jesus.
2.   My home is not for sale in the name of Jesus.
3.   Blood of Jesus buy me, my marriage, my good ordained spouse, and our children back from every power to which we have been sold, in the name of Jesus.    

5.    Caged Glory and Life
You cannot fly high like an eagle and shine martially if witchcraft powers have clipped your wings and your life is caged.  You will be limited in every area of life including marriage.

Prayer: Every cage of darkness housing my marriage and my destiny, break open and release me now, in the name of Jesus.

6.    Buried Glory and Life
     Prayer: I command my glory to jump out of every grave dug for it, in the name of Jesus.

7.    Vehicle of Destiny Captured by witchcraft powers
Your marital glory cannot shine if your vehicle of destiny has been captured by witchcraft powers. Instead of going forward, it will either remain stagnant or start reversing backwards.

1.    Every demonic vehicle and driver reversing my marital destiny backwards, I separate myself from you and I set you on fire, in the name of Jesus.

2.   Every ancestral limitation working against my marital success break and die, in the name of Jesus.  

8.    Evil Load
Examples of evil load include evil arrows such as arrows of confusion, error and mistake, disappointment, bewitchment, shame, rejection, and satanic delay. They also include evil deposits from various sources such as sex with spirit spouses and strange sexual partners from your past. They also include evil plantations such as incisions and evil marks which delay marriages. All these evil load mentioned above will hinder your marital glory from shining.

1.    Every owner of evil load hiding in my life and marital destiny, appear and carry your load, in the name of Jesus.

2.   Every power waging war against my marriage from my foundation, lose your hold and die, in the name of Jesus.  

9.    Stubborn Curses and Covenants
Your marital glory cannot shine when you are laboring under a stubborn curse.  Curses abort breakthroughs and steal from you. Curse can be put on a person by close enemies such as parents and step parents.
Evil covenants can also prevent your marital glory from shining. For example, constant sex in the dream indicates that there is a spiritual marriage in place.  This is a covenant that will have to be broken before you can have any meaningful marriage in the physically.  Spiritual dowries, evil soul ties, and evil dedications are other examples of evil covenants that can keep a person’s marital glory from shining.

1.    Though power of parental curses working upon my life, break now, in the name of Jesus.
2.  Every evil covenant and soul tie militating against my life and marriage, break and die, in the name of Jesus.   

     10.  Evil Yokes
Evil yokes yoking with these bad relationships and the past have to be broken. A good example is the yoke of marital delay. 

1.    Get to know the God of glory.  He is the restorer that can restore your glory and cause you to shine again from glory to glory.
2.    Total submission to God.
3.    Live a holy life
4.    Pray for restoration of all that you have lost to anti glory powers.
5.    Wage war and overcome the enemy and get your marital destiny to shine again.
6.    Barricade your life with the fire of the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus so that your glory is not tampered with again.

Song: 1. Do something new in my life.  2. Holy Ghost arise in your power.
1. Every power fighting my marital star and destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
2. Let my God ordained spouse desire me and favor me now, in Jesus name.
3. Every evil garment working against my marriage, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
4. Foundational rats assigned to eat up my marital garments, die now.
5. Every owner of evil load from my foundation that is preventing me from shining martially, carry your evil load in the name of Jesus.
6. You my marital joy and fulfillment that is trapped in my Father’s house, be exhumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
7. Let all my imprisoned and buried marital virtues be released now, in the name of Jesus.
8. Blood of Jesus wash away the effect of every anti glory rain that has beaten me in my dreams.
9. Anti-glory powers hand over all that you have stolen from my me,in the name of Jesus.
10. You my vandalized glory be restored by fire, in the name of Jesus.
11. I cancel the effect of every anti glory dream upon my life and marriage by the power in the blood of Jesus.
12. Every anti-harvest power assigned against my marriage, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
13. I barricade my life and marriage with the fire of God and the blood of Jesus.
14. Thank you Lord for answering my prayers.

PRAYERS FOR MARITAL BREAKTHROUGH Praise worship Confessions – Genesis 2:10-19, Deut 32:30, Prov. 31:10-11, Eccles. 4:9-12...