Wednesday, November 1, 2017


SCRIPTURES: Joshua 6, Zechariah 4:7.
CONFESSION:  Matthew 17:20.
SONGS: 1. You and I will praise the Lord. 2. I shall get to my Promised Land. 3. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
HYMN: Guide me O thou Great Jehovah.
1. Every power that has been stealing from me, die.
2. Yoke of profitless hard work, break, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every inherited battle troubling my destiny, in the name of Jesus.
4. Yoke of satanic delay, break, in the name of Jesus.
5. Doors of greatness, open unto me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
6. Earthquake of deliverance be released on my behalf.
7. Earth, Earth, Earth, open and vomit my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
8. Any satanic burial carried out against my life and marriage, be reversed by the blood of Jesus.
9. Enemies of my breakthroughs, die.
10. Blood of Jesus, Fire of God go into my foundation and do a mighty work of deliverance and restoration.

The wall of Jericho is:
v  A limitation against your breakthrough.
v  A barrier against your elevation.
v  It is a Red Sea situation
v  Anything preventing you from entering your land of promise.
v  Anything separating you from your God’s plan and purpose for your life.
v  It is a seemingly impossible situation
v  It is a seemingly insurmountable problem.
v  It is a mountain confronting you
v  It is a boastful overconfident Goliath confronting your David
v  It is a demonic stubborn Pharaoh confronting your Moses
v  It is an evil cage caging you or the good things that God has for you
v  It is that stubborn power standing on your way to block you.
v  An evil gate or door preventing you from accessing your blessings and goodness. Strongmen and demonic guards man this gate.
v  It is that power using enchantments and divinations to keep you in one spot. 

1. Every Red Sea situation confronting me, dry up by fire, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every mountain of impossibility standing on my way, give way now.
3. You gates and everlasting doors resisting my breakthroughs, be lifted up and be uprooted in the name of Jesus.
4. Blood of Jesus go to the source of my enemy’s power and destroy it in Jesus
5. Every evil cage holding my blessings, release them now.

A wall of Jericho is:
v  Anything preventing your marriage from manifesting.
v  Anything separating you from your God ordained spouse.
v  Barriers standing between you and your God ordained partner.  These could be physical or spiritual.  They include:
o   Age
o   Culture
o   Personal preferences meaning likes and dislikes
o   Personality
o   Attitudes
o   Mind sets
o   Background

1. Every power, spirit or personality holding on to my implements for my celebration this year, release them and die.
2. Everything in my life that is locking the doors of breakthroughs against me, come out and die. 

     Marital walls of Jericho cause a lot of problems in a person’s life. These problems include:
1. Stagnancy 
You will be dreaming of stagnant water.  You will also be dreaming of massive traffic jams.  
2. Demotion 
There will be demotion in various areas of life including marriage career, business, ministry, and finances.  You will dreaming of falling down from heights, climbing down steps, and things forcefully taken from you and given to others.
1. I fire back every arrow of demotion, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every satanic exchange of my virtues and goodness be reversed by the blood of Jesus.  
 3. Frustration and discouragement
This can make you feel as if God has abandoned you.
4. Destiny wastage 
Jericho walls can make you to be wasted in the valley of life, if not properly addressed.
5. Surrendering to the enemy 
Marital Jericho walls can cause you to give up, loose courage, and quit.
6. They keep away your helpers including your God ordained spouse
7. They keep you years behind God’s calendar and agenda for your life
8. Hardship
9. Errors and Mistakes
10. Bad luck
11. Rejection
12. Failure
Especially failure at the edge of breakthroughs.  You may also be having dreams of failure, such as being turned back at the door. 
13. Vagabond anointing 
14. Untimely death
15. Satanic diversion of destiny
          This is energized by cobweb attacks.
16. Marital problems such as difficulty getting married.

1. Walls of physical and spiritual opposition in my life, fall after the order of Jericho.
2. O God arise and reposition me for success.
3. Holy Ghost arise and wipe away my tears.
4. O God arise and make a way for me where men say there is no way.
5. Powers using demonic cobwebs to afflict me, die by fire.
6. I reject and renounce every evil dowry and I return it back to sender.

1.   To confront and overcome your marital Jericho walls, you need the following:
2.    Repent of all known sins.
3.    Get born again and become Jesus’ friend.  You can only be a conqueror through Christ. Without Him you can do nothing.
4.    Faith Matthew 17:20.
5.    Speak to the wall of Jericho and the powers behind it.  Zechariah 4:7. Prophesy to the mountain to be moved and cast into the sea.
6.    Pray Jericho shattering prayers.  Bombard your Jericho with targeted prayers until it caves in.
7.    Refuse to quit.
8.    Ask God to fight for you. He can change the rules for your sake. 

Prayer:  O God, arise and change the rules for my sake.

Song: 1. Every Power standing on my way. 2. The wall of Jericho fell down flat. 3. I command you satan in the name of the Lord to pack all your weapons and flee for the Lord has given me authority to walk all over you.
1. Every power preventing me from enjoying the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living die by fire, in the name of Jesus.
2. Rivers of breakthroughs, flow into every area of my life and marriage.
3. Angels of blessings, whoever and wherever you are, locate me now.
4. I refuse to be a victim of evil spiritual marriage.
5. Every evil pattern of marital failure, die, in the name of Jesus.
6. Blood of Jesus arise and separate me from every marine spirit disturbing me and preventing me from moving forward.
7. Every serpent power claiming to be my husband, catch fire and be roasted, now.
8. Every evil magnet attracting wrong people to me, melt away by fire.
9. Good magnets manifest by fire.
10. I ………. (Put your full name), shall not marry my enemy.
11. In the presence of those asking for my God, O God arise and manifest yourself in my situation. (Please pray this prayer seven hot times).
12. Sing the song “The wall of Jericho fell down flat” again.
13. Every power and spirit of Jericho walking against my destiny fall down and die.
14. Yoke of satanic delay, break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
15. You the teeth of the enemy over my marriage, break now.
16. As from today you my marital story change for the best, by the power in the blood of Jesus.
17. Every power that has accepted witchcraft to fight my marriage, die by fire. 

18.  Thank you Lord for destroying my marital walls of Jericho.  


CONFESSION: Acts 10:38.
SONGS: 1. O that men would praise the Lord. 2. Pass me not O gentle Savior but hear my humble cry. 3. Holy Ghost I need a change by fire.

1. Every evil pit dug for me swallow your digger, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every yoke of slow progress break by fire, in the name of Jesus.
3. Every spirit of sluggishness and backwardness in my life, receive the fire of God and be destroyed.
4. I cancel the effect of every evil dream that I have ever had with the blood of Jesus.
5. O Lord, stretch forth your hand from heaven and take me out of every evil bus stop that I have ever found myself in the physical and in my dreams, in the name of Jesus.
6. I withdraw every evil word that I have spoken against myself, and I can the effect.
7. Every power assigned to make me a nonentity in my family, die and remain dead.

1. He is the bondage breaker. Luke 4:18.
2. He is the yoke breaker. Luke 4:18.
3. He breaks chains and His very presence melts chains.  Judges 15:14, Acts 12:7.
4. He breaks both physical and spiritual chains. Luke 13:11-16, Acts 12:1-11.
5.  He not only puts a stop to the oppression the devil but he restores what he has destroyed.   Acts 10:38.
6. He is the Great Physician. Acts 10:38.

1.    They are weapons of darkness.  Isaiah 54:17.
2.    They are weapons of the enemy to tie a person to his kingdom and to himself.
3.    They are weapons of destruction.  Judges 15:14, Psalm 107:20.
4.    They are weapons of wickedness.  Psalm 129:4.
5.    They are fetters used to bind a person or thing.
6.    They are evil ropes.
7.    They are cords of darkness.

Evil chains are used by the enemy to do a lot of evil including the following:

v  To detain a person against their will.  When you are detained against your will your expected celebration such as marriage cannot manifest.
1.   Every evil hand detaining and restraining me, wither and catch fire.
2.   Every witchcraft brown sweeping away my breakthroughs and marriage be roasted to ashes.
v  To pin a person down.
v  To bind you so that you are unavailable for the things that God has for you.
v  To put in bonds or stock.
v  To bind to one spot so that you cannot move beyond the radius of the chain.
v  They are used to restrict.
v  They are used to ties up or tie down various body parts such as the waste, the neck, the brain.  They are also used to tie up the hands which represent your handiwork or legs which represents your establishment.
v  They are also used to tie up your whole body, including hands, torso, and legs making you completely unavailable.
v  They are used to limit you so you do not reach the height God has ordained you to.
v  They are used to restrain.
v  They are weapons of captivity.
v  They are used to afflict a person.
v  They are used to silence a person.
v  Used to keep a person in a dry land, an unfruitful, desert place.
v  They are to prevent you from fulfilling your goal in life.
v  They are to prevent you from doing what God wants you to do.  

1.    To kill steal and destroy. John 10:10.
2.    To suppress.
3.    To oppress.

Prayer: Every evil hand pushing my head down as I try to lift it up, wither by fire.

4.    Captivity and slavery. Acts 12:6-7, 2 Kings 23:33.
5.    To keep problems in place.
6.    To bring dryness into a person’s life.  Psalm 68:6.
7.    To limit a person’s progress in life.  You can only go within the radius of the rope.

Prayer: Every power from my foundation limiting my life and marital destiny, perish by fire.

8.    They keep evil covenants and curses in place in a person’s life.
9.    They arrest a person’s destiny and progress, preventing advancement.  When you are tied down, you cannot be at the right place at the right time.  There you are not able to secure a job, a husband, helpers, or good business.

Prayer: All demonic chains preventing me from advancing in life break now, in the name of Jesus.

10. They are used by evil authorities to regulate a person’s life.

Prayers: every evil authority claiming ownership of my life, die by fire.

11. They are used as ladders by evil powers to climb into your life and cause trouble.
12. They are evil pipes supplying evil current to keep problems in place.
13. They are used to monitor your progress and life.
14. They are used to regress a person’s life backwards.
15. They are yokes that hold you in bondage and magnetize problems to your life.
16. They mark a person out for satanic attacks. You are tied down and cannot fight back.
17. They are assigned to waste lives and destinies. They prevent you from fulfilling your divine purpose and destiny. The woman in our scripture reading had eighteen years of her life wasted. Luke 13:16.
18. They divert lives.  For example, they make you to marry the wrong person, read the wrong course, or pick the wrong job.
19. They want your potentials to die with you.
20. They want you to die undiscovered, unfulfilled, uncelebrated, and unsung.
21. They do not want you to do what God wants you to do.
22. They do not want you to have what God wants you to have such as marriage and children.
23. They stagnate a person’s life.
24. They abort good pregnancies.

Prayer: They pregnancy of good things within me will not be aborted by any evil power, in the name of Jesus.

25. They are used to enforce evil verdicts I a life. Examples of evil verdicts are “You shall never marry,” “You shall never excel,” “You will return to Nigeria the same way you left,” and “Nobody will ask for your hand in marriage.”


There are certain factors that keep evil chains in place in a person’s life.  These are discussed below:

1.    Curses and incantations
They present your case before evil altars and priests.  They pray evil prayers against people, hold evil vigils and offer evil petitions against people. These limit people’s lives. Genesis 49:2-7.

Prayer: Every power offering evil petition against me die now.

2.    Unbroken covenants
This includes evil dedication to idols and other strange powers.
3.    Enchantments, hexes, jinxes, and divinations
They consult sorcerers, false prophets, witchdoctors, occult mediums, and other satanic intermediaries against people.  Numbers 23:17, 23.

Prayer: Every strange power, strange mirror and strange candle being used against me shatter, in the name of Jesus.

4.    Faulty foundation
You have to deal with powers from your foundation that want to:
a.   Ensure you do not marry
b.   Delay your marriage
c.   Manipulate you into a wrong marriage in order to divert and waste your destiny.
These powers include ancestral powers and witchcraft powers.  They use evil patterns, collective captivity, placenta manipulation, and problems from childhood to derail marital destinies.
5.     Evil Summons
People are summoned to evil gatherings and evil judgements and pronouncements are made against them.   Sicknesses and insanity may also be put on them.  People’s placenta can also be used to summon them.  I pray that all such judgments and evil pronouncements made against you be revoked by the blood of Jesus in Jesus name.
6.    Witchcraft Powers
These powers specialize in bewitching and selling off destinies particularly colorful ones.  They use various witchcraft weapons to terrorize their victims. These include witchcraft pots, dolls, mortars, brooms, animals, and judgments.
7.    Strongmen
These include ancestral, witchcraft, and marine strongmen.  They also include the physical strongman that is controlling and manipulating everyone in your family.
8.    Wicked Powers
They specialize in firing evil arrows at their victims.  These can bring sickness, poverty, insanity and even untimely death.  Wickedness is everywhere these days.  They are in the neighborhoods, schools, market place, work place, and even in the church.
9.    Evil Yokes
These attract various problems into a person’s life such as rejection, sluggishness, satanic delay, and disappointment.
10. Evil Consumption 
This causes a lot of problems in people’s lives.  A lot of evil things are programmed into people’s lives through what they eaten and swallowed especially those that they were fed with when they were young.

1.    Everything that I have eaten or swallowed that is chaining me inside, I vomit your now. (Put your finger in your throat and force it out).
2.   Evil worms from any evil thing that I have eaten hiding in my body, come out and die.

1.   Stagnancy
2.    Failure, frustration, and backwardness. Acts 12:6-7, Judges 15:14.
3.    Vagabond anointing
This is also known as “Born for nothing” syndrome.  This is tantamount to a wasted life.
4.   Circular problems
5.   Rising and falling
6.   Hatred, rejection, and disappointments
7.    Failure at the edge of success.
8.   Sluggishness and satanic delay of goodness
Prayer: I shall get to my destiny at the appointed time at the name of Jesus.


1.    Get saved and get to know God.  You need His power to break the chains.
2.    Repent of all known sins, both your personal sins and your ancestors. These are the ladders keeping evil chains in place. Psalm 107:17.
3.    Be baptized by the Holy Ghost and fire.  You need the fire to break the chains. Acts 12:6-7, Judges 15:14.
4.    Total submission to God. James 4:7.
5.    Resist the devil. James 4:7.
6.    Be obedient.  2 Corinthians 10:6, Psalm 107:11.
7.    Use your spiritual weapons such as prayers and fasting. Pray yoke breaking prayers, calling on Jesus the yoke breaker to break your yoke.  2 Corinthians 10:4. 

Songs: 1. Jesus breaks every fetters.  2. There is power in the blood of Jesus to break every chain. 3. By the reason of the anointing every yoke shall be broken.
1.    Jesus Christ Yoke Breaker, break every evil chain binding me to problems.
2.    Every satanic agenda assigned against my progress, scatter by fire, in the name of Jesus.
3.    Every weapon of affliction assigned against my life, backfire in the name of Jesus.
4.    Every yoke of stagnancy in my life break now.
5.    Evil power, spirit or personality going about for my sake, I cut off your legs and your hands, in the name of Jesus.
6.    Every evil thing militating against my life through the mouth gate, die by fire.
7.    Every power harboring enchantments against me, die now.
8.    Evil prayer mats assigned against me, catch fire and die.
9.    Every satanic prayer uttered against me, go back to sender.
10. Every herbalist working on my name be frustrated by the blood of Jesus.
11. Every evil altar and priest in charge of my case, catch fire and be roasted, in the name of Jesus.
12. Every evil chain tying me down break and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.
13. Fire and thunder of God attack all witchcraft powers working against me.
14. Every power binding me and my destiny, release me and let me go.
15. Every evil animal representing me and being used to afflict my life, I separate myself from you and I set you on fire, in the name of Jesus.
16. Evil chain binding my hands, melt by fire.
17. Evil chain binding my legs, melt by fire. 
18. Every evil chain tied on my neck and my waist lose me and let me go.
19. Every evil chain tightening my brain, catch fire and break.
20. Every mark of failure at the edge of success, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus. Satanic eyes monitoring my success and progress in life, receive the Holy Ghost fire and be blinded.
21. Every power assigned to turn my life upside down, release me and die.
22. Every evil ladder giving the enemy access to my life, catch fire and roast to ashes in the name of Jesus.
23. Every evil rope tying me to my family idols, catch fire and be roasted.
24. Every evil verdict and decree limiting my life and marriage, be reversed by the blood of Jesus.
25. As you mention each of the items listed below repeat three times “Come out of your hiding place and die, in the name of Jesus.”
a.    blindness                b. deafness             c. insanity              d. confusion
e.   annoyance   f.  anger                 g. distraction          h. rejection
i.    hatred                   j.  untimely death    k.  loneliness          l.  isolation
m.  declination   n. sickness              o. infirmity             p. barrenness
26. As you mention each of the items listed below repeat seven times “I reject you, in the name of Jesus.”
a.    Tears and sorrow  b. ancestral loneliness         c. shame       d. reproach
e.   disappointment    f.  disgrace                        g. poverty     h. rejection

i.    untimely death          j. sickness                     k. stagnancy  l. affliction

PRAYERS FOR MARITAL BREAKTHROUGH Praise worship Confessions – Genesis 2:10-19, Deut 32:30, Prov. 31:10-11, Eccles. 4:9-12...